Friday, May 13, 2011

I have the coolest parents ever! :}

My Mom was voted most religious in a Catholic high school down in L.A.. But then when she graduated, she moved up north the middle of no-where, lake county, to run a motel/bar with her mom. There, she became a drug-crazed bad ass. Getting in bar fights with other girls, Riding a motorcycle, she was sick. But then she had two little boys, ran away from her abusive husband, and become a police officer.

My step-dad is also pretty sick. He grew up in a family of a million (haha, just kidding.. it was like 13 or 14). Then he went to Chico (party town), became a Simon&Garfunkel roadie, and smoked lots of pot with them. He is a total liberal hippie dippy forest man. He became a clown, and now he's a plumber that puts in the pipes in crazy new buildings (so it isn't so gross).

They had a sadistic littler girl together, and I love her.

Oh..and my brother is autistic (so he's really sensitive to every little thing..things people dont even notice, can set him off). My step-sister is the bestest friend anyone could have (so suck it). She got suspended because she got smashed drunk, blacked out, and got in a fight with the police. Bad ass.

So I have an amazing family. :P

oh! and my "biological father", is probably in prison, schizophrenic, and loves drugs and hitting people..oh and stealing. again, badass.


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