Thursday, February 17, 2011

"A letter to someone who has hurt you recently"

I keep waiting for some oppurtunity to come up so I can write this, searching for some way to let it out. But instead of waiting, I'm just going to do it.

Dear friend,

You are such a shitty person. You used me when you were bored and needed to have someone to listen to you and your lies, and I was there for you. But for whatever reason, you flipped and starting saying horrible things. Why? What did I ever do to you? I never once said anything personal or hurtful about you, not once. And trust me, I could have. You have told me some messed up disgusting things, but did I tell anyone? No. Will I? No. I'm not going to be that person. You just made up excuse after excuse to spew hate and when I relentlessly disproved everything you said, you resorted to name calling. I hope to never even get close to the person you are today. You are the pathetic one, not me. 


I don't like putting this up. I don't want to have to let it out. It doesn't make me look like a good forgiving person. But I'm here to let everything out, give myself a space to be uncensored, and that's how I feel. :/ now that it's out, I need to let go. She's not sobbing over it so neither can I.

I'll be okay

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