Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.

I remember when I took this picture.. It was a pivotal moment in my thinking, in who I was.I had gone from a place of safety into a world I was not prepared for. I didn't understand the vitriol of others, I had never fully experienced it. I had dove head first into a place I wasn't ready for.

Through it, I hardened, turned cold, became numb. The person I wanted to become, the person I was chasing after so determined had appeared. It was like waking up- but for only a moment. I could see that I was no longer pretending to be someone I was not, I had no longer lived a split life, I was finally where I "wanted" to be. 

Since then, I've learned from my experiences and know how to adapt without losing myself. I don't have to ruin myself to become another. I'm not the person pictured above anymore, that person will always be somewhere within me but I don't need to rely on this anymore.

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