Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm sorry

Dear person,

I'm sorry I wasn't the person you thought I'd be, I didn't think I would turn out like this either..but I did. We used to be best friends, I was your little "mini-me" and you controlled the world around me in a way that no one else could. We had a pretty sweet deal didn't we? Too bad it couldn't last.

I still want to be that person who can make your day, who can make you not regret everything that's happened, the person who gives you hope. I'm just too weak to shoulder it all, I'm not as strong as you think, not right now..not for awhile.

Just keep holding on. Know things get better. The world isn't stuck in the way you see it, there is always more out there than we can see, know this. Know that I love you more than imaginable, that I would go against god for you. I would defy whatever is out there if it meant that I could fix you.


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