Monday, August 1, 2011

[:[ Defining

"Oh, I wish I had a boyfriend
I wish I had a loving man in my life
I wish I had a father
Maybe then I would’ve turned out right
But now I’m just crazy, I’m totally mad
Yeah I’m just crazy, fucked up in the head
And maybe if I really tried with all of my heart
Then I could make a brand new start in love with you

Oh, I wish I had a suntan
Oh, I wish I had a pizza and a bottle of wine
Oh, I wish I had a beach house
Then we could make a big fire every night
Now I’m just crazy, I’m totally mad
Yeah I’m just crazy, fucked up in the head
And if I really tried with all of my heart
Then I could make a brand new start in love with you, in love with you"

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