Sunday, August 21, 2011

I miss my old friend. Been with me since the beginning...

Depression- The feeling of being hollow. The feeling that something unseen is taking everything away from you and you can do nothing about it, it's just too strong. Alone. Bottomless. On the ground, broken into a million little pieces. It's not sadness, it's the absence of such. You feel dead, emotionless, robotic, poisonous. That is depression.

And I don't feel like that anymore. And as messed up as it is, I kind of miss it. I spent the greater part of my day, if not all, with this thing. I got used to it. It became a familiar face, and now that I only see it for brief moments here and there. It's smaller, weaker, only slightly there.

And you know what, thinking of it now. That thing was fucking horrible. I hated it. I had no control over it. I do now, so it can suck it. Negate this post. ha.

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