Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I feel so bad. It's like the best of my days are marked by hope, and the worst of them are marked by the gnawing absence of such.

I want to cry all the time, and most of the time I just feel too empty to do so.

What has made me feel this bad? I wish I had a reason.

I wan't to collapse onto someone, I want someone to have some understanding and compassion, but it's hard for someone to be there for you when they don't even know why they are there.

I'm done being done. I feel like the only thing driving force behind me is anger. I'm so angry that I'm living this life. I'm pissed off to be blunt. What the fuck!? How does this make any sense? It's like I've exhausted my life and I'm just waiting for it to end. I don't feel like I can learn anymore,  be any more.. I don't have the energy that my life or mindset or whatever, has robbed me, and without it, I don't see myself making any more progress.

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