Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Here is what I have so far and I'm terrified...

I need to take a quick, constructive, break from this.. So here I am blogging a bit.. I forgot chose to forget about an assignment that intimidated me a lot.. Eventaully, I really did forget. Here I am writing to save my life (and grade) and hoping this speech doesnt come out like shit..


General Purpose: To inform.

Specific Purpose: By meditating a few moments a day, we can all live happier, healthier, lives.


  1. Attention Getter: According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1 out of 4 Americans will die of heart disease and 1 out of 10 will die of cancer. That means in this room, it is likely that __ of us will die from cancer or heart disease.

  1. Motivation for Listening: Meditation however, has been proven to reduce stress and subsequently, prevent the onslaught of ailments that would likely kill many of us.

  1. Thesis Statement: By meditating a few moments a day, we can all live happier, healthier, lives.

  1. Preview of Speech (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ect.)
First I will inform you about stress in relation to one’s health. Then I will talk to you about how meditation can improve one’s life. And finally, I will present a specific technique everyone can use to meditate.

Transition to body of Speech


  1. First Main Point
a. Analysis and Research
Stress triggers the body to release a hormone called cortisol- the flight or fight hormone that excites our nervous system.

Prolonged exposure to this hormone can result in: obesity, heart disease, an increased risk of stroke, damage to ones brain cells, impaired growth in children, and hair loss (something that we can’t all pull off as well as Bryce)

b. Analysis and Research
According to the American Psychological Association, stress is linked to the six leading causes of death- heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.

All of which have been found to be preventable. And while many of us have been warned against smoking, drinking, & high cholesterol intake.. We’ve rarely been told about meditation. Admittedly, I’ve been warned about the need to relax every now and then, but without specifics I usually ended up with a night that went like a bad Ke$ha song. Cigarettes cause lung ailments, cancer, and heart disease. Alcohol can lead to heart disease, cancer, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. And with drinking and smoking being some of the most sensationalized “relaxation methods”, we aren’t left with much else. Drinking in the park at 8 in the morning makes one seem like an alcoholic bum. Yet quieting your mind and letting go of pressure is a healthy option that can be done as often as you want, as long as you want, anywhere you want making it a healthy alternative.


  1. Second Main Point
a. Analysis and Research

b. Analysis and Research

  1. Third Main Point
a. Analysis and Research

b. Analysis and Research

  1. Summary of Main Points
  2. Throwback to Attention Getter

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