Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chasing a fantasy, living a reality, but heading towards where I'm meant to be

I guess for the longest time, I've really just lived safely.. I've been afraid of everything, It's too much though! I need to find my bliss, my excitement, my fantasy, and live it through.. Life is dangerous, nothing is guaranteed. So why take what I have for granted?

Being in Mexico, I experienced the "ahora" (now in Spanish)..and it was like nothing I've ever felt before. Nothing deep, complicated, good or bad..yet profound. Not going back more than a few moments in my thoughts and same with the future. I experienced every thought and idea without judgement but let it all go. I found god without looking like I've had to back "home".

But back to my point: I need to live. I don't know exactly whats in my future, but that's a part of the now.. I won't necessarily know whats next but I can trust myself and trust god to get me to wherever I'm meant to be. And when I do, I'll just know. Whether it's volunteering in 3rd world countries as a nurse, traveling the world as a writer, or just going with life and knowing all will work out- I'm ready. :)

Chasing a fantasy, living a reality, but heading towards where I'm meant to be

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