Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I saw a woman today..

She forcefully hobbled along the cement as if she were fighting with each step to prove that she was still alive. It was like she was god's expression of someone in need- it was like I knew I was supposed to help her. Stay with her, give her what she needed- someone to help her through this.

I don't know if she was a drunk, or having a heat stroke, but does it even matter!?

No! She is/was someone's daughter. Someone loved her. And if it were my little sister, brother, or mom.. It would kill me to think no one stopped to help her. It kills me that I didn't stop to help her.

All those cars driving by, one of which I was in, and no one stopped. I didn't stop. My parents didn't stop. My only saving thought is that maybe she was okay on her own or that someone else stopped after I was already gone. But it called to me, it shook something real inside. It felt like, if any person were to stop and help this woman, it should have, could have, and would have been me.

But I did nothing. I ignored her. And now I feel sick.

It wasn't okay.
Forgive me god.

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