Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You know when you are surrounded by people but still feel alone.. I feel like that most of the time.

Not always bad
But never easy...

I saw a woman today..

She forcefully hobbled along the cement as if she were fighting with each step to prove that she was still alive. It was like she was god's expression of someone in need- it was like I knew I was supposed to help her. Stay with her, give her what she needed- someone to help her through this.

I don't know if she was a drunk, or having a heat stroke, but does it even matter!?

No! She is/was someone's daughter. Someone loved her. And if it were my little sister, brother, or mom.. It would kill me to think no one stopped to help her. It kills me that I didn't stop to help her.

All those cars driving by, one of which I was in, and no one stopped. I didn't stop. My parents didn't stop. My only saving thought is that maybe she was okay on her own or that someone else stopped after I was already gone. But it called to me, it shook something real inside. It felt like, if any person were to stop and help this woman, it should have, could have, and would have been me.

But I did nothing. I ignored her. And now I feel sick.

It wasn't okay.
Forgive me god.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dealing with a Mac Miller. FML?

I'm sick of feeling numb

I'm ready to be awake. To live. To see.

So how do I do this? I don't know
Well fuck that sh!t. I'm ready to live, and so I'm choosing to do so. 

I'm ready to live, whatever that may look like

Thank you, I needed it.

"You are able and strong
just remember that you
have been thru a lot
worse and gotten thru it...
you always have your family standing with you 
and read to catch you if you fall or need our love
to support you and cradle you in our embrace

pray it always helps. Just remember to pray during the good times too. So it isn't only when times are hard. Not do easy to.do

Not so easy to do   typo"

One day I'll get here

I don't get why I keep[ fucking up like this. It makes me sick to my stomach that I know better, and I keep doing worst. Why am i willing to sell my soul to self-destruct? When I'm hurt, I fuel the flames with hate- I spit poison and I can't stop, and now... I'm sunken. I sunk myself. The game is only over because I quit, and knowing this, I'm still read to turn the system off.

I feel like I'm standing at a precipice with no one to pull me back

Saturday, September 10, 2011

She chose to walk alone.
Though others wondered why.
Refused to look before her,
Kept eyes cast upwards,
Towards the sky.

She didn't have companions.
No need for earthly things.
Only wanted freedom,
From what she felt were puppet strings.

She longed to be a bird.
That she might fly away.
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay.

She longed to be a flame.
That brightly danced alone.
Felt jealous of the steam
That made the air its only home.

Some say she wished too hard.
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.

Some say she wished too hard.
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.

The trees, they say, stood witness.
The sky refused to tell.
But someone who had seen it
Said the story played out well.

She spread her arms out wide.
Breathed in the break of dawn.
She just let go of all she held...

And then she was gone.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What if I make the wrong choice?

People keep telling me, "I think you've made the right choice", "You're walking down a path and you need to swerve off", "This world will set you free". 

STOP! I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I'm so unsure of everything right now, every word is just another thing to confuse me. 

What if I keep messing up? What if I'm supposed to mess up? What am I supposed to do next? What if the picture below is the rest of my life?

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Fuck you. You left me when I needed you most. You choose over me. Goodbye to you

No end in sight

"I feel like I've lost myself and I don't know where I'm hiding"

ma·ri·jua·na/ˌmarəˈ(h)wänə/ Noun: Cannabis, esp. as smoked in cigarettes

I wanted this so badly...

Where to start?...

For me, it put the magic back in life. Don't judge. Life is hard, it's lonely and rough. I do what I can to get through the hour, day, week, month, or year. Yes, it helps with anxiety and depression. But how depressed and anxious can you be when the beauty of life is unfolding before you for those few hours. The world becomes safe again, you feel centered, empathy, understanding, love- I feel the light that I thought I lost a long time ago.

But life is give and take. Nothing comes free.  
It's hard.

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