Monday, March 7, 2011

I just don't feel so healthy lately.

About a year ago I committed myself to a mantra, "Happiness is when what one does, what one thinks, and what one says are all aligned in harmony".

But that meant a lot more than just lying. It meant that I knew I needed to get physically fit, I needed to stop lying, I needed to take a break from partying and reconnect with my family, it meant building trust, it meant that I needed to stop running from whoever I thought I was..I needed to experience my happiness.

However, transformation is a rough road to take.. Robert Frost once said, " Two roads diverge in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference". I had to take the one less traveled by, but it made all the difference. However, it's really easy to revert back to old thinking, which leads to old habits, which leads to an old life.. I feel like I'm living an old life, a tired life, a redundant life..

Maybe I chose to come back? I don't really know.. But I need to I think, not necessarily get back to where I was because that was a unique experience all on its own..but maybe get to something new? Maybe it will be similar, maybe not..but I really feel done with where I'm at. 

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