Monday, March 7, 2011

I finally acted in a way that reflects who I really am

Recently a friend really hurt me, she hurt me a lot. But not matter what she said or how she attacked me, I promised myself I wouldn't attack her back, just the situation. I never got personal with her, I never threw things in her face that I could have, I never got down to that certain level with her.

And you know what? It felt amazing. I'm not saying it's easy, or that it's for everyone but I tried really hard to be the best that I could be and I became a better person for experiencing this.

Sure, I spent a day or two feeling utterly DESTROYED...but I came back from it, I held my head high, and kept going on in my get through it, I had to keep thinking "just keep going forward". In the end, what I think is the end, she needed my support so I set all our history aside and was there for her. I am ecstatic that I can do it. I know that I can be the A better person. I think I want to keep working at this, I like it. :)

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