Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Life :):

I'm just sitting in my room, deciding to finally find me again... and to any story, there is a beginning...

Here's my beginning-
I found everything I was working for..

A job:

"Monday, May 23, 2011

I need a job that:

-Keeps me busy

-Challenges me

-Allows me to interact with people as much as possible
-Helps me grow as a person
-Pays enough to start saving for independence
-Is interesting to me"

This job is everything that I asked for... It isn't easy, but it's worth it. Saying that, yes I want some time off, and a raise x) But I like what I do.

It's just hard. I miss my friends, friends that I never really saw before... but at least there was the hope. Now , I feel like going is all I have. The problem is, I haven't been serious about this. I am going, but going in circles- getting no further away then I was before. 

*Remember: Keep going forward, get out of here*

I need to be serious about this. 

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